Our Lady Of Peace Council 5726

Lethbridge, Alberta



                    LETHBRIDGE (1965-1979)

                                                                    by Peter Boyden

In the Spring of 1964, when Brother Cliff Bogdan was Grand Knight of Council 1490, Past Grand Knight Peter Boyden was given permission to conduct a survey of the membership with the view of establishing a second council in the City of Lethbridge. The favourable result of the survey was brought to the attention of District Deputy Joe Chrumka of Taber Council, who proceeded immediately with the formation of the new council. The name "Our Lady of Peace" was submitted by Brother Ken McIntyre, and the charter from Supreme Council was dated the twenty-seventh of May, 1965. 


The first meeting of the new council was held on June 24, 1965, and the first executive was as follows:

Chaplain                                Father G. McLellan

Grand Knight                         Michael Colins

Deputy Grand Knight            Peter Boyden

Chancellor                             Urban Pitman

Recorder                                Cliff Bogdan

Financial Secretary               John Bosch 

Treasurer                                Nick Pazuik

Lecturer                                  Jerry Niwa

Advocate                                Walter Cranley

Warden                                   Ed McLaughlin

Guards                                    Ray Doyle, Anton Geiger

Trustees                                  Rex Tennant, Ken McIntyre, Guy Gruneau

The first formal function of the Council was a family Communion and breakfast which was reported to be an outstanding success. This was followed by a corn roast at Boyden's farm to which Council 1490 was invited. A birthday part was held for Brother Henry Flock, who was celebrating his 95th birthday.

Our Lady of Peace Council has been active in a wide variety of programs, encompassing Council, community and Church. 

In 1966 Lecturer Pittman held a program dealing with decency in literature which received some attention. We won a Star Council Award that year as well as in 1969 for the completion of programs as outlined by Supreme Council. When the Cutbank, Montana, Council visited Lethbridge they presented Council 5726 with an American flag. The ecumenical movement presently flourishing in Assumption Parish can be traced to Council's efforts in this regard, hosting the United Church Men's Club in 1970.

Our Council has continued to support the youth camp at Waterton Lakes National Park, the scouts and cubs, track and field clubs, broomball and hockey clubs. For a time a school auditorium has been rented for sponsoring a program of youth activities. Trophies for high school basketball and KC golf tournaments were donated through the years. Our Lady of Peace Council entertained a hockey team from Oakville, Ontario in 1974 and received a provincial flag. Community needs were met when a heart monitor and oscilloscope were donated to S.t Michael's Hospital, Lethbridge, in 1971.

Council 5726 has been in the forefront of church activities. We have contributed to St. Catherine's building fund for a church on the Indian reserve at Standoff. We have sent Catholic books to Ceylon and supported a drive for a car for African missions. The Salvation Army received support for providing Christmas hampers to the needy. A Clergy Night for deanery priests is a yearly event. Retreats and Days of Recollection are often sponsored by Church Activities committees. In 1975 Brother Barry Dobek received a plaque for his efforts as chairman of Church Activities.

The picture above demonstrates the fraternal cooperation of Councils in Sunny Southern Alberta and includes Father McCarty, OMI; as well as Brothers M.M. Collins and Peter Boyden of Council 5726; Robert Olshaski, John Anderson, Nick Velker and Charlie Wadden of Council 1490; Fred O'Donnel of Picture Butte; Ken Heirath of Milk River; naturally wives were included. The convention was held at Edmonton in May of 1967.


LETHBRIDGE (1979-1996)

by James Jovenazzo

Some Interesting Notes

Council 5726 was awarded the Star Council Award for four consecutive terms 1986-87 to 1989-90. 

Council 5726 received the Vocation Sponsor Award for seven consecutive terms 1986-87 to 1994-95.

Council 5726 celebrated its 30th Anniversary on June27, 1995.

Council 5726's business until 1983 was much similar to that which is reported in the original "A Dedicated History". The change was significant when the Council became a member of the Southern Alberta Bingo Association in 1984. In a short period of time, the Council was overcome by requests for support or financial assistance; so much so, that it was eventually necessary to set a budget encompassing programs in the areas of Council, Church, Youth, and Community. Proposed budgets usually listed over 5 different charities, associations, schools, etc., as recipients.

The Council continues to support the Church. We are responsible for much of the furnishings and necessities in Our Lady of the Assumption Hall, ie. piano, banquet tables, chairs, stove and overhead exhaust, dishwasher, air conditioning, P.A. system, etc. In the Church proper, we have purchased a Mass kit, hymnals for the choir, vestments, crucifixes for altar servers, and in 1993, two new chalices and ciborium. For the rectory, we have provided furnishings for the recreation room, a new telephone system, and the original computer. Other churches which have received assistance are Sacred Heart, Raymond (repairs to sacristy and P.A. system), Our Lady of Mount, Waterton (re- pairs), St. Basil's Lethbridge (wheelchair ramp), St. Theresa, Cardston (vestments, altar cloth and frontal and lectern hanging), St. Joseph, Vermillion (building fund), Mount St. Francis Retreat House, Cochrane (prayer books), St. Patrick's, Lethbridge (tables and chairs for basement hall), and St. Martha's, Lethbridge (building fund).

We have, in conjunction with other parishes, supported the youth ministry. The Council assists the Pastoral Council with the yearly Childrens' Christmas Party, parish picnic, and outing for altar servers.

Until the present, we have made sizeable donations to two religious organizations; the Friends of the Voice of Orthodoxy and the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies.

K of C sign on Church property at Christmas season

Since the late 1970's and onwards, one of our important projects is "Keep Christ in Christmas."

The project includes three activities in one - the community at large, the members of our Council and

their families, the members of Assumption Parish and the students and teachers of our Catholic

schools. The Council had a 4' x 8' billboard constructed which we display on the Church property each Christmas season (see picture). We involve the members of the parish by passing cut free material such as stamps, posters, and bumper stickers which they are encouraged to use. Posters are given to Catholic schools to be displayed. We involve the students in Grades 4 to 9 by asking them to indicate by means of a poem, drawing, or narrative “What Christmas Means to Me." To encourage students to participate, our Council receives 80 tickets for a Lethbridge Hurricanes hockey game just before Christmas. The tickets are given, gratis, to each participant and family members, making it a family night.

The Council has continued to concentrate on vocations. Every second Tuesday of the month, the Council offers a Mass for vocations and members are encouraged to participate. The Vocation Committee, which is provided with an annual budget of $1000 or more, concentrates on contributing towards the priestly formation of seminarians. To date, six seminarians within Canada have received support. Also, the Committee has gone abroad to support seminarians in Africa (Society of S.t Peter the Apostle) in South America, (Basilian Fathers Mission), Mariannhill Mission, and in the Philippines, Rogationist Fathers.

Our Council continues to promote pro-life. This is necessary because the number of abortions has steadily increased. As in the past, the Council continues to support organizations concerned with life at all stages - Teen-Ed, carries pro-life messages to youth; Canadian Foundation for the Love of Children; Caritas Society - Vegreville - cares for single, expectant mothers; Teen Parenting Program, Lethbridge, encourages unwed mothers to keep their babies and complete their education; Lethbridge and District Pro-Life Association; Billings Family Planning Method; and Hike for Life. October 1993 saw the unveiling of a monument dedicated to the "Unborn Child." Our Council and others of the South Alberta Chapter were among the first to erect such a monument.

In the spirit of serving the community, two projects should be mentioned. In the late 1980's, for two successive years, the Council was responsible for preparing and serving dinner for approximately 20 participants, parents and officials of the Special Olympics. Beginning in 1990 and every year since, during the Lethbridge Labour Day Soccer Tournament, a crew of over 30 members have served breakfast and a barbecue dinner to 1,200 players, parents and officials. The projected number for 1995 is 1,400 due to an increase in the number of teams expected to participate.

Continuing in the vein of service in the community, Council members have shown concern for

those experiencing disabilities, handicapped, shutins, aged, etc. Our assistance permitted three youngsters to enrol in the "Tomatis Electronic Ear" program at Bosco Homes, Regina and we purchased wheelchairs for two handicapped persons. Financial donations have been made to the

Lethbridge Regional Hospital and over the years, we have provided thirteen Lifelines for the Lethbridge Lifeline Association at the Lethbridge Regional Hospital.

Over the years since 1984, St. Michael's Health Care Centre has received sizeable cash donations

from our Council. In 1987, $2,750 was donated for the purchase of a Larynscope and later, the same year, $7,700 was donated for an A.T.S. Tourniquet. In 1991, J. Joevenazzo, as project chairman, made application to the Wild Rose Foundation for a grant of $15,000 for the purposes of purchasing a Handi- cap Bus for the hospital. The Council matched the grant and costs over $30,000 were assumed by the hospital board. A cheque in the amount of $15,000 dated December, 1991, was received from the Wild Rose Foundation under the signature of DickJohnston, M.L.A. and Ken Kowalski, M.L.A.

Presentation of Handi-Bus: Bob Comstock, R.Paulhus, GK Pat Johnston, Jim Joevenazzo

As Knights, we realized our responsibility in supporting the youth of our Catholic schools. We have assumed this responsibility by assisting the schools in many different projects - Assumption School - workbooks for First Communicants, rental of Camp Columbus for outdoor education, collection of stamps for missions; St. Basil's School - set of encyclopedias; Children of St. Martha School - playground project; St. Francis Jr. High School - yearly academic awards, collecting stamps for mis- sions; Fr. Van Tighem School - crucifix for front entrance; St. Mary's School - yearly Christian Action Award; St. Patrick's School - milk fund; St. Paul's School - statue for front entrance; Catholic Central High School - students attending conferences or forums, replace equipment for football team, bomberette cheerleaders, students trips to Mexico, oratorical contest, safeguard, French Immersion exchange program, and yearly academic awards. Since 1987, the Council has co-sponsored each year the C.C.H.S. Knights of Columbus Annual Basket- ball Tournament. Another yearly project is Awards Night which is sponsored by our Council to hon- our C.C.H.S. students who are leaders in the differ- ent areas -academics, athletics, drama, music, community endeavours, and religious activities. Each May, the Council hosts about 24 students, accompanied by parents and friends at a dinner, at which time, the leaders are recognized and presented with a certificate.


S.J. Bleck  

C. Bogdan  

J.G. Bosch  

P. Boyden   

G.R. Bruneau

M.M. Collins  

J.K. Cranley  

W.B. Cranley

T.A. De Boer

R.C. Doyle

A. Duckett

D.B. Exner

J.H. Flock

V. Gazzler  

A. Geiger   

A. Grbavac  

V. Grbavac 

R.D. Gruenwald

R. Harris 

R.M. Heaton 

P. Hrynkiw

S.H. Kramer

C.R. Kyle

R.J. La Valley

P.J. Martens  

W. Mass  

K.N. McIntyre  

E.J. McLaughlin

Rev. G.A.J. McLellan

J.S. McMahon

R.K. Morgan

J.M. Motycka

W. Murphy

Dr. J.E. Niwa

N. Pazuik

U.J. Pittman

D. Rohovie

H.K. Schafter  

J. Schile  

L.M. Schulhauser

E.J. Smith  

J.B. Staddon

R. J.Tennant  

W.H. Tennant

C. Van Burren   

M.A. Van Leuken

J.P. Van Leuken

T.K. Weber  

J.J. Wensveen 

Gay Westwood

1967 - 1969


Michael Collins

1965 - 1966


Peter Boyden

1966 - 1967


Anton Geiger

1969 - 1970


Robert Ludwig

1970 - 1971

Transmission Mechanic

Theodore Weber

1971 - 1973


Lucien Ouellette

1973 - 1974

Real Estate Agent

John Bosch

1974 - 1975


Dale Jensen

1975 - 1976


John Motycka

1976 - 1977

Farmer - Real Eastate Agent

Peter Herauf

1977 - 1979


Barry Dobeck

1979 - 1980


Ed Martin

1980 - 1981


Anton Geiger

1981 - 1982


Conrad Schoening

1982 - 1983

Car Dealership (Manitoba)

Jack Kinahan

1983 - 1984

Insurance Agent

Cliff Bogden

1984 - 1986


Maurice Lefebvre

1986 - 1988

Airport Fire Fighter

James Joevenazzo

1988 - 1990


Pat Johnston

1990 - 1992

Tire Sales

Rene Croteau

1992 - 1993

Air Traffic Controller

John Cicman

1993 - 1995

Zep Cleaning Sales

John Henderson

1995 - 1996

Master Image Printing Shop

Bob Rice

1997 - 1999


Alex Misak

1999 - 2000

Automotive Sales

George Van Dellen

2000 - 2002

Farm Equipment Sales

Gerry Hopman

2002 - 2004

City of Lethbridge Manager

Jim Stegen

2004 - 2006


Keith Boyden

2006 - 2007


John Calpas

2007 - 2008

Agricultural Research

Al Laronde

2008 - 2010

Real Estate Agent

John Murray

2010 - 2012


Ken Tratch

2012 - 2014

Teacher - Principal

No Photo


Deloyd Ell

2014 - 2016

Farmer - St. Mary Irrigation

Ed Hamel

2016 - 2017

Grain Buyer - Musician

Mark Joevenazzo

2017 - 2018

Photo To

Be Posted

At End Of


Ray Viel

2018 - 2020

Teacher - Principal

Ken Tratch

2020 - 2021

Teacher - Principal

Kaz Sznerch

2021 - 2024

Respiratory Therapist

Two organizations which are subsidiaries of Council 5726 and are self supported financially, are the Sixty Plus Club and the Santa Maria Fraternal Recreational Society of Lethbridge.

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