Our Lady Of Peace Council 5726

Lethbridge, Alberta


The Sixty Plus Club

This Club was incorporated in 1987 and according to its bylaws membership is restricted to Knights of Columbus members and spouses and other Assumption Parish members who are aged 60 years and older.

The main objective of the Club is to provide entertainment and leisure time for the 150 members. This has been provided by bowling parties, card games, picnics, etc. A number of day excursions have been taken to Waterton Lakes, Cypress Hills, Tyrell Museum - Drumheller, Heritage Park - Calgary, Hutterite Colony, and a few trips to Stage West - Calgary for dinner and stage productions. 

The first executive was as follows:

President                 Steve Zatylny

Vice-President        Rene Croteau

Secretary                Edmund Cordeiro

Treasurer                Joe Runge